France, former senior editor at Newsweek magazine,
has published a book Our Fathers: The Secret Life
of the Catholic Church in an Age of Scandal. David
covered the clergy sexual abuse crisis for Newsweek
Magazine and, in that capacity, became close with individuals
within the survivor community and attended several Voice
of the Faithful meetings. David is happy to speak at
VOTF meetings and can be contacted through Mike Emerton,
former press secretary for VOTF, at
David’s book tour will include, Washington, DC; New
York City, NY; Los Angeles, CA; Chicago, Il; Boston,
From Gaile Pohlhaus, VOTF PA – “I just ran across this
on canon law. It may be of interest.”
president Jim Post Speaking Commitments
– please watch this space or check our web site at
for details as they become available and/or changes.
30, 2004 Boston College, “Leading with Values:
In Theory and Practice”
12-14, 2004, Boston College – Conference on
Future of the Catholic Church “Commentary – Future Directions
for the Catholic Church” (see January
Vineyard for details)
(date to be announced) Hartford, CT, “50 Years of Scandal:
Where Are We Now?”
29, 2004, Imaging the Future Church Conference.
University of San Francisco, CA, “Being a ‘Catholic
Citizen’ in 2004”
2004, VOTF, Long Island, NY
13, 2004, VOTF Seacoast, MA, Newburyport, MA
up for April 16-17, 2004 - A conference with
global implications, "Envisioning the Church Women Want:
A Conference on Women in the Church," will be held at
Boston College. For information, visit,
or call 617-552-3489. The conference will bring together
Catholic women and men of diverse experiences, interests
and ages – artists, educators, activists, and those
whose ministries are in families – to celebrate in ritual
and story, in careful analysis and in prophetic witness,
the past and future of women in the Catholic Church.
Lower Cape, MA affiliate of Voice of the Faithful
will meet on Sunday, February 15, 2004 at 2:30 pm at
the Brewster Ladies Library on Rt. 6A in Brewster. There
will be a business meeting and small group discussions
about our direction and events. The group currently
consists of parishioners from four Roman Catholic churches
on the Lower Cape. All are welcome. The Lower Cape VOTF
is also interested in reaching out to victims of abuse.
If you have been a victim of clergy sexual abuse and
would like to participate in a support group, please
contact Doug at 508/896-1589. For questions concerning
the Lower Cape VOTF group, its goals and its activities,
or questions regarding this release, please contact
Madalyn Hillis-Dineen at
Saturday, February 21, 2004 Workshop:
"The Future of Religious Life in the Catholic Church,"
with Sr. Mary Johnson, S.N.D. 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.,
Fulton 230 Sponsor: Institute of Religious Education
and Pastoral Ministry, Continuing Education Information:
or 617-552-8057. A $30 fee will be charged
The Concord, Mass. VOTF and Winchester Area
VOTF are jointly sponsoring a discussion with
David France, who covered the Church scandal as a Senior
Editor for Newsweek, regarding his recently
published book Our Fathers: The Secret Life of the Church
in an Age of Scandal (Broadway Books 2004). David will
be speaking at St. Eulalia's Church, 50 Ridge Street,
Winchester, MA on Saturday, February 21, at 10:00 a.m.
All are welcome to attend.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004 Lecture:
"Restorative Justice as A Model of Healing A Wounded
Church Community," with Rev. Dr. Rodney L. Petersen,
Boston Theological Institute. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.,
Gasson 305. Sponsor: Institute of Religious Education
and Pastoral Ministry, Continuing Education Information:
or 617-552-8057. Registration required
February 22, Father Tom Powers will
speak at the 11:30 Sunday Mass Saints Faith, Hope and
Charity in Winnetka, Il. There will be a Q&A period
with Fr. Tom, the pastor of St. John the Evangelist
Church, Wellesley, MA, which is the founding VOTF parish.
He will discuss the parish experience in the Boston
Archdiocese as well as the rise and creation of Voice
of the Faithful.
Feb. 15 - VOTF and SNAP to co-sponsor New Orleans,
La. Candlelight Vigil for the victims of clergy sex
abuse who committed suicide. On Monday Feb. 16 at Loyola
University there will be a panel discussion "Clericalism
and the Abuse of Power in the Clergy Sex Abuse Crisis."
Panelists include Fr. Tom Doyle; author Jason Berry;
SNAP founder Barbara Blaine; former seminarian and,
later, attorney for the Archdiocese of Houston-Galveston
Robert Scamardo; and VOTF National representatives Susan
Troy and Peggie Thorp.
March 27 -28. At the University of San Francisco,
“'Imaging the Future Church.” Watch the VOTF Web site
for agenda/registration information as well as speakers/participants
(one of whom is VOTF president Jim Post).
of the Faithful, VOTF, "Keep the Faith, Change the Church,"
Voice of Compassion, VOTF logo(s), Parish Voice, and
Prayerful Voice are trademarks of Voice of the Faithful,
of the Faithful is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt organization.