For Catholics who care about the Church of our past and the Church
of our future, our voices are needed now.
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for Reform
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Voice of the Faithful President
“ Church past and present…we must do better." |

For survivors and their families, for the families and friends of
deceased victims of sexual abuse by clergy, for faithful Catholics
stunned by
the discovery of abuse and its cover-up in our Church, for all clergy
whose lives continue to honor their ministries, the release of the
John Jay College of Criminal Justice study promises facts and
numbers that
will hurt all over again.
Commissioned by the USCCB National Review
Board, the bishops’ self-reported documentation of sexual
abuse by clergy across 191 dioceses in the US will aggregate data
on the
number of priests who have been accused, the number of victims who
have made
allegations, and the financial cost to the Church of its response.
This report does not promise closure but a better understanding
among all
Catholics, clergy and laity alike, of where we must go from here.
The materials in this VOTF supplement are provided for our collective
education and to help each of us determine our role in the weeks
months ahead.
Voice of the Faithful's Ad in February
29, 2004 New York Times (Adobe Reader Required)


- Scandal and
Sunlight – What the John Jay Study Means to Catholics, Remarks
of James E. Post
President, Voice of the Faithful
St. Patrick and St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Church, Hartford, CT
March 11, 2004
- Abuse
reports mark beginning, not end, National Catholic Reporter,
- The
accounting begins, National Catholic Reporter, 3/12/04
- Voice of the Faithful
President James E. Post Will Address John Jay Report in Hartford,
CT 3/10/04
- Abusive
Priests: A 'Shameful' Failure, Newsweek,
- Give
laity a key role in fixing church,Boston Globe, 3/6/04
- Removing
the 'smoke of Satan', Wichita Eagle, 3/6/04
- There
Must Be Consequences, New York Times, 3/5/04
- Sexual
abuse by Catholic priests -- Next steps, San Francisco
Chronicle, 3/4/04
- A
Moral Challenge for All Catholics, Boston Globe,
- Sex
Abuse Scandal May Haunt Church, Newark Star-Ledger,
- Cooperation
with evil in the act of silence, Seattle Times, March
- Church
Abuse Goes From Scandal to Sermon KEN MAGUIRE AP, 3/1/04
- Transcript
of 2/29/04 “Meet
the Press”
activists set sights on bishops, Naples Daily News,
- So
'history' doesn't repeat
- By Cathy Lynn Grossman, USA TODAY2/29/04
- AP, February 29, 2004 - "Watchdog
Says Some Bishops Should Resign"
- Boston Globe, Jim Post, February 28, 2004 - Fix
the Church in the Name of Hope
- CBS News, February 27, 2004 - "Shameful
to the Church"
- Voice of the Faithful
Notes Glaring Omission in John Jay Study 2/27/07
- How
deep will the bishops' review board dig? National Catholic Reporter,
By Jason Berry 2/20/04

here to view Video of
Parish Voice Team
“I have to be involved in bringing about changes for my children."

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