VOTF Oct Conference



Catholics from across the tri-state area and from across the nation who are deeply concerned about our Church will gather for day of dialogue and presentations by nationally known speakers, music and a concluding liturgy of hope and healing.

The conference theme is Being Catholic in the 21st Century ~ Crisis, Challenge and Opportunity. Together, we want to ensure that the abuse of children and the abuse of power do not recur and together, we want to define and work toward a stronger, healthier Church in the 21st century.

This site provides continually updated information about the conference, speakers and prominent participants, the program schedule, directions and hotels.
Click on Register for Conference to register on-line, and on Donate to support the conference with your donation.

Most important, mark October 25 on your calendar, and with your family, parish, VOTF and other friends, plan to stand and be counted among American Catholics concerned about our Church, our current problems, and our future promise.

NOTE: Browsers older than versions 5.0 may present technical problems when registering online. If you have problems completing the online registration please use the printable form and mail in.



Home - Registration - Donate - Program - Speakers - Hotel- Directions - Contact


Voice of the Faithful in the Diocese of Bridgeport is a registered tax-exempt 501 (C) (3) organization.
Copyright © 2003 Voice of the Faithful, Inc. All rights Reserved


Letter to the Bishops
Evaluation Form
Conference Program  
VOTF National
Jim Post
Jim Post
Jim Post
A.W. Richard Sipe  
A.W. Richard Sipe  
A.W. Richard Sipe  
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Tom Roberts
Catharine Henningsen
Catharine Henningsen
Catharine Henningsen
Margaret Roylance
Margaret Roylance
Margaret Roylance