
Affiliate News

EAST Region

VOTF Metuchen, NJ at St. Mathias of Somerset
Submitted by Kevin Gilmartin

We in Metuchen originally came together, with the assistance of our Patterson affiliate colleagues, in late April of 2004 to determine if there was enough interest to establish an affiliate of VOTF for Metuchen. There was. We began monthly meetings in June 2004.

Each of us brings a strong faith, and a confidence in that faith, a confidence in our belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior. We are a diverse group of people from varied backgrounds. Among our members are cantors, lectors, Eucharist Ministers and representatives from a long list of ministries. There is a variety of reasons why each of us was drawn to this organization. However, one point on which we are unified is our desire to be better educated in terms of the Catholic Church, our Church.

So, we decided we would seek speakers and read Catholic writers in order to enrich our knowledge of our Church. We believe that we grow in our faith as Catholics with each additional piece of wisdom to which we are exposed.

To that end, in our July meeting, we viewed a video of a talk given by Dr. Anthony Padavano on “The History of the Catholic Church in America” and held a vigorous discussion afterward. The facts presented in this talk were eye opening to some of us. For example, we learned for the first time that the voice we are claiming today was here before – among the laity of the Catholic Church in colonial times, a little over 200 years ago.

We have hosted speakers at our September, October, and November 2004 meetings; Fathers Ed Edwards, Brennan Connelly, and Dick Rento, respectively. Each of these speakers offered his personal perspective on our Church’s history, especially the last 40 years, and also a view of the challenges we face as we move forward. Each speaker was generous and unique and each talk was followed by open discussion between the speaker and the audience.

When we have not had a speaker, we have been reading Peter Steinfels, A People Adrift: The Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America. This book analyzes the arc the Catholic Church has traveled since Vatican II, and in great detail. It acts as an excellent primer for us on the events that have shaped our Church here in the United States.

As a new affiliate we are finding our way. We take strength from each other and from the flow of information we are afforded through our connection with the other New Jersey affiliates and the National organization.

VOTF Winchester Area, MA
Submitted by Bob Morris

The highlight of December for the Winchester Area VOTF was a lecture and discussion with noted theologian and author Fr. Donald Cozzens. Fr. Cozzens’ new book is entitled, Faith That Dares to Speak (Liturgical Press 2004). [Fr. Cozzens’ book is reviewed in the December issue of In the Vineyard.] The theme of Fr. Cozzens’ talk was that the Roman Catholic Church is the last remaining feudal system, and that its response to the clergy sexual abuse crisis was consistent with its feudal structure, namely to protect resources by secrecy and denial. The laity must challenge the feudal Church to have accountability and transparency. Voice of the Faithful must continue to have the courage to speak truth to power. Fr. Cozzens was extremely generous in fielding questions on a wide variety of topics. We are most grateful to him for traveling to Boston to speak to us.

Also in December Sister Kay Hannigan, P.B.V.M., Director of the Center for Religious Development in Cambridge, and Sister Joan McCarthy, C.S.J., Spiritual Director, St. Stephen’s Priory, in Dover, MA, led our group in an Advent prayer service, “Mary’s Prayer and Ours.” This beautiful and enriching service lifted the spirits of all in attendance.


SOUTH Region

VOTF Louisville, KY
Submitted by Vince Grenough

On Monday, December 6, the priests of Region IV of the Louisville Archdiocese met at St. Ignatius Martyr Rectory with four members of Voice of the Faithful. This is the ninth of twelve Regional Council groups we have met with since last summer. Prior to that, about twenty priests came to three dialogues with Voice of the Faithful at our usual meeting place. We have now met in dialogue with about half of the diocesan priests of our Archdiocese, as well as a number of order priests. Twelve members of our affiliate have participated in these gatherings but we form teams of four members for each meeting. We always meet for prayer before we go to the place of the Council meeting and for prayer and de-briefing afterwards.

Each of these meetings has been a good experience for us and, we are quite sure, for the clergy who participated. This is not to say that there weren't times when honest differences of opinion or perspective surfaced. But each meeting has ended cordially, usually with our being invited to join the priests for a meal and conversation after the meeting. Our primary purpose in meeting with the priests is to let them know we support them in their ministry. However, we also challenge them to support VOTF's other goals and to encourage members of their parishes to join VOTF.

At the end of our gathering on December 6, I asked the priests if they wanted to be famous, indicating that I'd like to take a photo that might be published. They all agreed, with some kidding about "Does my hair look okay?"

PHOTO: credit Vince Grenough - clockwise from the left: Cal Pfeiffer, VOTF member; Fr. Terry Bradshaw; Fr. Gerald Timmel; Fr. Ken Fortner; Fr. Jim Schook; Fr. John Curran, OFM; Fr. Bill Martin; Brooke Hicks, VOTF member; Margie Zoeller, VOTF member. Not in picture: Fr. Dan Lobsinger, CR and Vince Grenough, VOTF Coordinator, Louisville area affiliate.



VOTF Cleveland/Akron, OH
Submitted by Tom Byrne

On the second Sunday of Advent, December 5, the Cleveland/Akron affiliate hosted Fr. Tom Doyle, OP, JCD, at St. Hilary’s parish in Fairlawn, Ohio. After concelebrating Mass with Fr. Gordon Yahner, Pastor, Fr. Doyle engaged the laity in a spirited forum.

Our opening prayer was the “Advent Prayer for Children” written by VOTF Member Jack Rakosky. Jack was joined by Fr. Doyle and Sr. MaryAnn Wieseman-Mills, OP, the President of Our Lady of Elms schools. Briefly recapping his background as a noted Canonist and author of seven books on that subject, Fr. Doyle brought to everyone’s attention the Doyle-Mouton Report, which he co-authored in 1985 and submitted to the USCCB. In it he implored the bishops to intervene immediately to stop the damage done to children and their families by clerical sexual abuse. Twenty years have passed and the negative ramifications continue to plague the American Catholic Church. Dioceses have declared bankruptcy, priestly vocations have plummeted, and many laypeople are quietly leaving their faith.

Speaking in plain terms, Fr. Doyle has calculated that our Church hierarchy composes only .00042% of the Catholic population and acts as a feudal monarchy! He vigorously urged the audience to tell our Bishop to go on bent knee into the homes of the survivors.

With both victims and parents of victims in attendance, the topic of “clerical culture” was examined by both Fr. Doyle and Fr. Don Cozzens of John Carroll University who was also present.

VOTF members John Randell of St. Hilary’s and Ed Friedl of St. Paul’s in N. Canton, OH are to be commended for their valuable assistance in planning and coordinating this forum.


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In the Vineyard
January 2005
Volume 4, Issue 1

Page One

National News

Working Groups News


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