
Working Group News

Priests’ Support Working Group applauds Boston College Gasson Professor Jim Keenan’s talk “The Ethical Rights of Priests.” PSWG member Pat McNulty says, “Priests have been speaking out in the past three years, some as individuals and some in groups protesting hierarchical actions. Catholic moral theologian James Keenan S.J. poses the question: Do priests have a right to do this? His answers to some troubling questions have been addressed in this clearly written, enlightening essay. For more on this paper, please email pthorp.ed@votf.org.

  • Also, readers interested in joining an online discussion group for Goal #2 – Support Priests of Integrity – are invited to contact Goal_2_PSWG@yahoogroups.com Please note the underscores in the address.

Survivor Community News includes a new resource to survivor-related news – Steve Sheehan tracks e-news items daily. To join the distribution list, call Suzanne Morse at VOTF 617-558-5252.

Parish Voice Report

MANY Hands, MANY Hearts Update “As a person with many years of organizing and direct action experience, I must say that, when I was invited to get involved, I was very skeptical. I asked myself, ‘What would I learn that I don’t already know? Why should I spend my valuable time on this?’ Well, I learned a great deal and I’ve become motivated to spend a lot of time working with others to bring this organizing vision into reality. I think it has the potential to do more than anything else we’ve done so far to achieve VOTF’s goals.” Dick Taylor, Greater Philadelphia Affiliate

MANY Hands, MANY Hearts is a national grassroots initiative within VOTF aimed at creating real change in the Church through direct action organizing. To date, nearly 70 leaders have been intensively trained, and 200 members have been engaged in building the foundation for the actions that will be occurring this spring.

Since the organizing training in Boston in September, 26 affiliates across the country have been engaged in 1:1 campaigns. These 1:1 conversations are helping us to identify local and regional areas of concern around which VOTF should take action. At the same time, those issues are being pooled and submitted to the National Office so that potential areas for national focus can be identified for the July National VOTF gathering and beyond. The 1:1’s are also helping us to uncover new leaders, as well as the resources of current members that will help us to achieve change.

To follow up on the work of these 1:1 campaigns, as well as to start to build regional unity and a common sense of purpose, affiliates in specific areas will gather together throughout January and February in regional summits. Together they will process their key learning, successes and challenges with the 1:1 campaigns and will obtain training about how to move forward in grassroots organizing and action.

Beginning in February and running through May, these affiliates, functioning independently and collectively, will be embarking upon action campaigns to make concrete changes in the Church.

For more information on the MANY Hands, MANY Hearts initiative, please contact Aimee Carevich at 617-558-5252 or aimee@jetesh.com.

Leadership Change

Cathy Bern has stepped down as the Regional Coordinator for VOTF in Albany. We are grateful for the work she did in bringing the message of VOTF to Albany and hope that she will continue to be a supporter of the movement.

We are pleased to announce that Sheila Peiffer has agreed to take on the role of Regional Coordinator in Albany. Sheila has been involved as an active member of Voice of the Faithful from the early days of our formation. Prior to moving to Albany, Sheila and her family resided in Southampton, NY, where Sheila was a director of Religious Education for 6 years. She holds a Master’s degree in Theology and a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry from the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington, NY. When the crisis broke, Sheila played a major role in the growth of VOTF in the Diocese of Rockville Center, NY where she was a Regional Coordinator and Co-Director of VOTF-LI. Sheila is currently employed as Campus Minister of the Academy of the Holy Names.

Other Developments

Around the nation, there is growing focus on Church finances– from parish to diocesan levels. While the dioceses of Spokane, Washington; Portland, Oregon; and Tucson, Arizona have filed for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the US bankruptcy code, parish finances are coming under closer scrutiny by laity. One Catholic Voice for Action, a South Florida laity group, has recently begun studying the financial books of the Archdiocese of Miami. What growing lay interest and activity underscores is that more and more Catholics are moving toward greater responsibility for our Church. Readers can track national coverage through any web browser – use Roman Catholic Church Finances in your subject line.

There is an excellent Reuters article on this subject and one from Newhouse News Service.

Interesting development in Minneapolis-St. Paul where Archbishop Harry Flynn has banned the Legionaries of Christ from working in the archdiocese and prohibited its associated lay movement Regnum Christi from using archdiocesan property or parishes for its activities. The Legionaries are also banned in the Columbus, Ohio diocese. For more of this story, click here.

VOTF Representative Council minutes are available until they are posted on the web site by contacting Gaile Pohlhaus at gaile.pohlhaus@villanova.edu

  • At the December Council meeting in Greenwich, CT, Joe O’Callaghan, former professor of Medieval History at Fordham University, delivered an enthusiastically received paper on “Counsel and Consent as Christian Virtues: Five Proposals for Structural Change in the Catholic Church.” It is available on the Bridgeport, CT web site. Joe is happy to continue the conversation; he can be contacted at clonmeen@optonline.net.
  • The next Representative Council meeting will be held at Our Lady Help of Christians, Newton, MA on Saturday January 15, 2005, 10 am.
  • Questions about Council but didn’t know who to ask? In the interest of national communication as we work on restructuring the Council, a message has been sent out on all lists by the Representative Council Steering Committee that one of the steering committee members will be available to address members’ questions at the VOTF national office on Tuesdays from 3-5 pm. Call 1-617-558-5252 and ask for Anne Southwood.


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In the Vineyard
January 2005
Volume 4, Issue 1

Page One

National News

Working Groups News


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In the Vineyard Archives

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